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March 2016 Ham Arundel News

Here is the March 2016 issue of the Ham Aurndel News.

January 2016 Ham Arundel News

Here is the January 2016 edition of the Ham Arundel News.

November 2015 Issue of the Ham Arundel News

Good evening everyone. Here is the November issue of the Ham Arundel News, including the slate for the election of next year's Club Officers and Directors.

Paypal Payment


Thank you for your continued support of the AARC

Once again thank you for renewing your membership with Anne Arundel Radio Club.  As usual we meet on the first and third Thurdays of the month at 7:30pm.  We will be sending you a copy of your renewal in a separate email.  Below please choose the appropriate link to submit your membership dues. This is a secure Paypal site, we do not collect any information accept seeing an acknowledgement that payment was made.

Oh No, it happened!

Today at approximately 8:45am we experienced a catastrophic hardware failure on one of our servers. Unfortunately, this failure has directly impacted the availability of your services. Our senior administrators immediately began working to resolve the problem. We regret to inform you that, despite every attempt, we have been unable to restore your data. We are now classifying this as a complete data loss.

So what does this mean, well a lot of work for me! Hang in there we will be back 100% in no time!
