Exam Preregistration

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Do You Have An FRN? You need to have an FCC Registration Number (FRN) before filling out this form. To obtain one, go to the FCC ULS site, click on 'Register' and follow the instructions. This number will appear on your license, and any other licenses you have with the FCC. The FRN will be used in place of your Social Security Number.

There is no testing in August as the clubhouse is used for the Maryland-DC QSO Party.

Change Requirements
To chance your name you must provide one of the following
    1) any document showing both your old and new name
    2) any document showing your old name and a photo ID showing your new name
    3) marriage, divorce, and adoptions certificates or decrees
    4) certain other documents deemed acceptable by the AARC VE Team Leader.

To change your address you must provide one of the following
    1) a document indicating your new address such as drivers license or library card
    2) a document that indicates the applicant receives mail at the new address such as a tax bill, electric bill or water bill.

NOTE: The FCC requires a 'yes', 'no', or 'does not apply' answer to this question. 'Does not apply' may only be used for renewals and administrative updates like name or address changes.
NOTE: If you have proof of exam credit contact our VE Team Leader by email at (testing@w3vpr.org) or call Bill, N3RY, at 240-446-4311 to verify that your proof of exam credit is valid.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.