AARC Wednesday Night 2 meter net - October 15, 2015
Submitted on behalf of Gary McBrien - K3EEZ
K3ACT Chuck - Net Control
K1GAH Giff - Spoke of positive response to letter to cab company and interference on 075. Also, water in club is improved.
KB3YQK Tim - Spoke of stub networks as filters discuss from SOMD net. Asks for opinions on Subaru Foresters.
WA3SKN Mike - No opinion on Subaru. Recommends stubs for Chinese radios with wide front ends.
K3ACT Chuck - Talks of making end-fed antenna stubs.
K3MAW Mike - NY and IOWA state QSO parties this weekend. His son had a Subaru Forrester for many years that he gave to the pastor at his church. Mike also reports he went with buddies to Flight 93 memorial on motorcycles. Beautiful foliage. Wants to know if anyone has experience with KX3 for PSK31.
KB3NQY Jim - [A lot of static]. Comments on the water treatment system. [More static] [Remarks about a project(?)]
AA3EB Ed - Has had his new callsign for about a month. Daughter drives a Forrester, she is happy with it. Consumer Reports says no.1 SUV.
N3WYG Milford - Mentions ARRL raising membership fees.
K3EEZ Gary - Wife has owned 3 Subaru Outbacks, she occasionally gets a Forrester as a loaner. Outbacks have much more room. Asks if anyone has made a contact through new AMSAT satellite, FOX1A.
KB3WCH Stephen - Speaks of his son's experience of son with Forrester.
K3SCT Chuck - [Scratchiness] ... as member of nominating commitee. Spoke of making the election an open process and wanted to know of any nominations. All 7 current officers willing to serve another year. Election coming up but keep open. Benefits of the club: repeaters, right to vote, maintenance of equipment.
K1GAH Giff- Another benefit: expertise. New things, mesh groups asked for video feeds for Rosaryville 50K(?). Encourages participation in the Mesh Group.
KB3YQK Tim - Thanks for information on Subarus, speaks about budget, looking at 2005 models.
WA3SKN Mike - Driving a 2005 Tundra. Says Chuck AA3CS swears by Subarus. Jim was not breaking squelch on 075 but getting into 105 ok. Interference is a weak signal. Building an antenna for Bob2. Says he likes how it lays out physically. 40,20,17,15. Says there are compromises involved in putting an antenna in Crofton. [Repeater timeout].
KB3NQY Jim - Says he is fighting trees and roof, distance [to make the repeater].
N3VMF Hank - [Checked in, speaking before button pressed, has to be asked to repeat call sign].
K3MAW Mike - 2nd week in a row he was skipped, but that’s okay. Drives a Ford Ranger with 500K miles.
AA3EB Ed - Says a retired Subaru mechanic is a member of the club.
N3WYG Milford - Provides information about FOX-1A, frequencies, transponders.
Stephan KB3WCH -
N3VMF Hank - Talks about 10M satellites. Looking at ARRL band plan(?) Reference to beacon repeaters. Says he doesn't have 1500W to do satellites. Refuses to do EME. EME receivers designed to hear everything. [Repeater timeout].
KB3ZYO Rich - Just came from WV. Did ham radio radio on 30M(?) dipole. Radio does not work well on battery.
N3VMF Hank - [Breaks in]
K3ACT Chuck - Asks if Hank is done.
N3VMF Hank - [Breaks in]
K3ACT Chuck - Announces 73 round.
K1GAH Giff- Speaks to letting all the let repeaters drop.
KB3YQK Tim - [No response]
WA3SKN Mike - Mike speaks about PSK31/KX3 talks of ways to interface, switching between xmit/rec. Remarks that too much audio not good. Worked with satellites back in good ole days, has not worked with FM sats.
K3MAW Mike - IC706 sold has to start over, re-learn.
K3ACT Chuck - Talks of signallink using jumpers for different radios.
KB3NQY - PSA about watching for deer on the roads.
AA3EB ED - Asks if he is xmitting ok now.
K3ACT Chuck - 100% readable now.
Milford N3WyG - 73 see you at meeting.
K3EEZ Gary - Construction on Rt 214 between Pike Ridge Road and Brick Church Road. Be aware of it if you are going to the meeting early.
N3VMF Hank - Says some people may Remember him from the Chesapeake bay traffic net. Warns if you have plants outside bring them in. Temperatures will turn sharply cold. Frost. Speaks about satellites, Doppler effect, geostationary satellites. 400mi/s in space. 2M HT can be used for uplink. Need to understand Doppler effect. Go back to school if you don't understand the Doppler effect.
KB3ZYO Rich - There were potato chips in WV,awesome. 73 to all.
K3ACT Chuck - Asks for last minute comments.
K3ACT Chuck - None heard net closed 12 on net closed at 21:08 EST. 73
Thank you Gary. Excellent job
73 - Tim