AARC History 1990
Installation Dinner
An installation dinner was held on January 12, 1990 at Bay Ridge Inn for: President David (Walt) Walter/N3BFO, Vice-Pres. Douglas (Doug) Sweely/N2IBM, Secretary Debbie Rogers/KA3TDD, Treasurer Alvin (Al) Carter/KA3URB and Directors Tony Young/WA3YLO, Rick Battle/KB3NG and Rick Hambly/WB2TNL.
Efforts of Note Including the First Club Auction
Operating and Training Coordinator Rick Battle/KB3NG made a valiant effort to entice members to the club hamshack from 7 to 9 PM on the second Thursday of each month to use the club equipment. Rick Hambly/WB2TNL with a crew of five able helpers worked through an often frustrating weekend to bring the club generator on line to have emergency power available. Programs-Social Events Coordinator Ike Lawton/W2EOS spearheaded a successful club auction in February. In May Facilities Coordinator John Cochran/KC3YS led an energetic work crew to strip, mop, seal and buff the floor of the clubroom, vacuum the hamshack, mow the grass, repair the trailer, etc.
First License Exams Given In the Clubhouse & Other Accomplishments
On May 12th Nancy/NT3Z and Dean Alley/NS3V held a License Exam Session for the first time at the AARC clubhouse. It proved to be so successful that the Board voted to hold one on the second Saturday of each month. The Novice Class graduated about 30 new hams. For Field Day the Club (3A-Battery) ran stations on 10, 20, 40 and the Novice Station on 80 meters. Contacts were made all over the US on 40. DX on 10 and 20 produced some fine contacts with a beam headed west. One of the highlights of the event was the Saturday evening barbecue.
The Club Picnic Draws Over 100
The Club's summer picnic was held on a breezy, sunny day in September in the gazebo on the DFRC grounds. A GREAT time was had by all. Over 100 persons (about 20 of whom were children) attended the Club's Christmas Party. As usual, it was a great success. Betty Tiemeyer/K3VRZ crocheted a large, multi-colored afghan and gave it to the Club to be raffled off. Tickets were sold for 3 or 4 months and the drawing was held at the Christmas Party. A total of $365. was collected.
First Night Annapolis
AARC was invited by FIRST NIGHT ANNAPOLIS to participate in its first annual mammoth New Year's Eve celebration, a major family festival in Annapolis. The Club provided an Amateur Radiogram Center. For five hours (6 to 11 PM) 165 messages were accepted from the public, about half of which were transmitted during the event.
Public Service Events
Frank Piazza/WD6DUQ served as Public Service Coordinator for: The American Diabetes Walk-a-Thon in Annapolis in March, the Marlborough Hunt Club Races at Roedown, the YMCA 10K Run in Annapolis and the March of Dimes Walk-a-Thon in April, the DFRC Fair and the Bay Bridge Swim in June and Chesapeake Appreciation Days in October. Bob Bruninga provided ATV coverage for the run and the walks. He also retransmitted from the Goddard Space Flight Center the ATV coverage during the Hubble Telescope mission of the Space Shuttle Discovery.